Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Amaranth grain

The Guardian (March 3): "we were more varied in our choice of base ingredients, and lost heroes such as breadfruit (an indigenous, starchy staple of the Pacific islands), amaranth (a grain with high protein content and an ability to grow in extremely arid conditions) and tamarind (a tropical fruit tree) can dig us out of our blinkered state. All we need is a bit of consumer demand and this great global wrong can be righted.
Amaranth bread is already in our health shops, as an alternative to wheat, but this tropical crop has so much more to offer: its leaves may be used to make a delicious soup (I tried it in Brazil) called callaloo. It is revered for its high protein content, as well as being one of the fastest-growing and highest-yielding cereals on the planet. Beyond being ground into flour for bread-making it can be used for porridge, or the grains may be popped and puffed like corn or rice and used as a cereal or snack." Read more.

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